Sunday, August 14, 2005

thinking of....

the dictionary!

haha. i just love the dictionary and the thesaurus. i know some of you wouldn't believe this but i used ( and still, if i have the time) to read the dictionary for an hour or so.

yups, so when i decided to check up meanings for a few words i have been coming across. i was delayed as usual by the array of new and interesting words that ASSAULTED me while i was idly fipping through that thick Longman dictionary.. haha, i was checking up two words actually.

which are:
(which has been repeatedly appearing on ST because of the Presidential Elections.. which is by the way quite disheartening. i'll talk about that later. i digress :P)


(Laura's blog url)

hehe. the meaning for incumbent is somewhat like the person presently holding the official position of e.g. President of S'pore. ( yah, i know you clever people are probably laughing at the ignorant me now. when i first came across incumbent, i thought ST was trying to insult President Nathan. cos incumbent sounded somewhat like cumbersome :P tsk tsk language and their similarities....)

the meaning for pleonastic or pleonasm is the usage of too many words/ adjectives to descride something. in short, OVERKILL. haha, sounds like Laura and her flowery, super complicated and confusing usage of english language which never fails to confound and confuse me :) seriously, laura is the personification of pleonastic ( a compliment. i have great respect for people with bombastic vocab. they knock me off my soles :P)

welll, i also came across a bundleful of interesting words to add on ..


incubus (man who has sexual relations with many woman), propitiate(trying to please someone who harbours nagative feelings towards you), prosy (boring style of writing) and ossify (to root a concept firmly into place; eg. hardliners in USSR)

but the one i like best is proselytise (which is to persuade someone to join an organisation; religious or political)

haha, i feel like such a proselyte, someone who is persuaded to join :)

alright, on a more serious note

the lack of the presidential elections is rather a let-down. i was looking forward for the holiday okay? haha. actually, i think s'pore will benefit from a more compeitive political armosphere. i mean best man wins right? i have no qualms that if there was an election, incumbent (grins) President Nathan will probably win a secong term but it is still good to have a little compeition. i mean the political scene is a little too tame, wouldn't you say? especially after i read the sunday times headliner news today. haha. the correspondent had wrote.... " in the past 3 presidential elections. there have been no compeition for 2 as opponents were not awarded the certificate of elgilibility thus allowing the government-endorsed candidate to stand with no compeition." that's the gist of it anyway.

how are other nations going to view s'pore when we still have such a tame political scene where the government selects candidates and virtually secures a place. not that it is bad or i'm complaining. i must admit our government has done a good job this past 40 years. however if we are to remain like that...

the key question is WHEN and not how will we mature and progress as a nation???

i wonder....


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