Monday, July 25, 2005

thinking of....

what's so threatening uh??
hehe, anyway just for the record i like jia's essay too.
much more seriuos thoughtful and coming-of-age.
unlike mine obviously :0

today was .....
the regular monday
except for singspiration. i am really sorry to say this but if such singspiration continues i think i'll find me strangling myself to end my misery. let's just put it this way. i already have a mild headache and blocked nose. coupled together with the blaring sound system and some off-key singing (which can't really be classified as singing since it's using the "speaking" voice) wouldn't that aggravate the entire situation. and trust me, i wasn't the one cringing...

nevetheless i know i shouldn't be complaining since this worship is done out of an act of love, praise..etc. but is that any way to start a monday morning!?! maybe it's the school's ploy to wake us up from slumber ....or more likely worsen the monday blues :(

haha, i even found myself whispering at the ending prayer.. where it's suppose to go.. "thank you lord for the worship" and my version goes :" thank you lord -insert- for ending-close insert- the worship..

okay now for some random 'poet'ing :)

To Remember

Like faded sepia leaves
Shards of glass-fragment memories
Floating wisps of feathery clouds
A tailing sentence; unfinished
Faint imprints of your shoes
Mere footnotes of life..


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