Thursday, November 24, 2005

thinking of....

random things.

1. do you know how many similarities there are in junior colleges's vision and mission?

yesterday night was hilarious because i was reading aloud all the jcs's vision and mission to my dad while we were flipping through the booklet for pae and we realised so many similarities. some of them even have the exact same phrase! anyway there was so many 'world leaders', 'leaders in their chosen path', 'serve with honour'.. yeah, honour comes up a whole lot. hehe, reminds me who talks about honour nowadays, it's gone along with chivalry... :P
now if there are so many leaders, who are the followers?

2. why does the national broadcasting station have to pinpoint the fact that this year's PSLE top scorer is a Malay. i don't hear ," This year, a Chinese student tops PSLE" whenever a Chinese does top PSLE. but i keep on hearing, " this year's top PSLE scorer is a Malay student". Man, what happened multi-racialism? to maintain peace shouldn't the system stop pinponting or emphasizing the differences between different races and religion. this is a small matter but for a small nation like us, it's still something to note. :

3. harry potter and the gof is nice. much nicer than poa. i hated poa so much. i mean a CGI-animated werewolf?! what was that? is it so difficult to get a tame dog or wolf to do the job? hmms, we all know hairy(i mean harry :P) got a little uglier. it's puberty and the hormones and i fully agree with tay yeak keak(life columnist, i love his satirical commentaries!) that potty is sure starting to look like the western Bae Yong Joon. :/ Katie Leung who acts as Cho Chang on the other hand has such a weird accent. she claims it's scottish but liz, loui, my bro and i beg to differ, it sounds like a mix between canto/honkie english and filipina english. it got so bad that my bro actually mimicked her in the middle of the movie when she appeared saying, "May i have some pumpkin pasties?" and my dearest bro interuppted by saying, "Sir, Mum, you want sum pumkin pasties?" of course, they had to do the indian accent when parvati and padma patil came out so i was stuck in the middle of bangladesh for awhile. :P

that's all for today. no one's writing except me! *pouts*



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